With his finesse in multilingual hits, both old and new, SAM SHIVA has
ensconced himself as a renowned entertainer for over 25 years. As a singer, he enthralls the crowds
with his perfect rendition of songs long forgotten and more recent dance numbers. As a guitarist,
with his own band, he has mesmerized audiences for over 1000 shows. His concerts show off his
tremendous range in over 25 languages including Hindi, English, Malayalam, Tamil, Punjabi, Telegu,
Kannada, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, German, Arabic, Latin etc. and various genres,
from traditional country songs to pop hits and remixes.
As a solo performer, he soon ventured into the realm of films as a playback singer
for various popular movies including Ustaad Hotel , Malabar Wedding, Raavu, Romeo & Juliet and
Liger, also as a music composer and found success with hard work and determination.
His frequent appearances on Indian television, has won acclaim and more importantly to him, a wider
audience response.
He is an internationally renowned singer, having performed at prestigious venues
across the globe, including multiple performances in the UK, USA, UAE, Africa, Qatar, Australia, Sri
Lanka and other countries.
His ability to switch from one language to the other is phenomenal. Amazing to see how he interacts
and captures his audience.
Renowned for his dynamic stage presence, Sam Shiva has been honored by EEMA and EMAK with the Best
Live Performer award on several occasions.